Wednesday, August 26, 2009

SIMPLE Language for Adoptive Familes

We received an email today from the creator of Simple (fill in the blank w/the language you want to learn) for Adoptive Families. She was asking for help in letting other families know about their product. So, here is our review: we loved it! It comes with an audio cd and spiral bound booklet. We ordered the Mandarin set, and it has been very helpful in learning key phrases that you might need to communicate with a child of any age. We did, however, learn a few months into our using it that Abigail speaks Cantonese in her region of China. She is taught Mandarin (it is the official language of China) when she goes to school - which could be now - not sure at what age they begin teaching them. We still think what we have learned will be helpful and would highly recommend this resource for any adoptive family that wants to learn some phrases in their child's language. There is a good variety of languages available. Go here


Faith, Hope, and Love said...

Hi Missy!

You were the high bidder at the China Little Flower auction! :)

Please email me at:

Thanks so much!!!

Kathy said...

Hi Missy!
I ordered the Simple Language book
CD a while back and I wanted to say
thank you for sharing the info.
I love it!
